Linux for System Administrators (LFS301)


Seminar - Ziel

In this course you will learn how to administer, configure and upgrade Linux systems running one of the three major Linux distribution families: Red Hat,
SUSE, Debian/Ubuntu, how to master the tools and concepts you’ll need to efficiently build and manage an enterprise Linux infrastructure, how to use state-of-the-art system administration techniques in real-life scenarios via practical labs, and more.

Teilnehmer - Zielgruppe

This course is designed for individuals who desire to gain the necessary skills and abilities to work as a professional Linux system administrator. Students should have basic knowledge of Linux and its most common utilities and text editors.

Kurs - Voraussetzungen

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and abilities to work as a professional Linux system administrator. Students should have basic knowledge of Linux and its most common utilities and text editors


  • 4 Tage
  • 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr


  • nach Absprache

Seminar-Inhalt / Agenda


  • Linux Foundation
  • Linux Foundation Training
  • Linux Foundation Certifications
  • Linux Foundation Digital Badges
  • Laboratory Exercises, Solutions and Resources
  • E-Learning Course: LFS201
  • Distribution Details
  • Labs

Linux Filesystem Tree Layout

  • One Big Filesystem
  • Data Distinctions
  • FHS Linux Standard Directory Tree
  • root (/) directory
  • /bin
  • /boot
  • /dev
  • /etc
  • /home
  • /lib and /lib64
  • /media
  • /mnt
  • /opt
  • /proc
  • /sys
  • /root
  • /sbin
  • /srv
  • /tmp
  • /usr
  • /var
  • /run
  • Labs


  • Programs and Processes
  • Process Limits
  • Creating Processes
  • Process States
  • Execution Modes
  • Daemons
  • niceness
  • Libraries
  • Labs


  • Signals
  • Types of Signals
  • kill
  • killall and pkill
  • Labs

Package Management Systems

  • Software Packaging Concepts
  • Why Use Packages?
  • Package Types
  • Available Package Management Systems
  • Packaging Tool Levels and Varieties
  • Package Sources
  • Creating Software Packages
  • Revision Control Systems
  • Available Source Control Systems
  • The Linux Kernel and git
  • Labs


  • RPM (Red Hat Package Manager
  • Package File Names
  • RPM Database and Helper Programs
  • Queries
  • Verifying Packages
  • Installing and Removing Packages
  • Updating, Upgrading and Freshening RPM Packages
  • Upgrading the Linux Kernel
  • rpm2cpio
  • Labs


  • DPKG (Debian Package)
  • Package File Names and Source
  • DPKG Queries
  • Installing/Upgrading/Uninstalling
  • Labs


  • Package Installers
  • yum
  • Queries
  • Verifying Packages
  • Installing/Removing/Upgrading Packages
  • Additional yum Commands
  • dnf
  • Labs


  • zypper
  • Queries
  • Installing/Removing/Upgrading Packages
  • Additional zypper Commands
  • Labs


  • APT
  • apt
  • Queries
  • Installing/Removing/Upgrading Packages
  • Cleaning Up
  • Labs
System Monitoring
  • System and Network Monitoring
  • sar **
  • System Log Files
  • Labs

Process Monitoring

  • Process Monitoring
  • ps
  • pstree
  • top
  • Labs

Memory Monitoring and Usage

  • Memory Monitoring and Tuning
  • /proc/sys/vm
  • vmstat
  • Out of Memory Killer (OOM)
  • Labs

I/O Monitoring and Tuning

  • I/O Monitoring
  • iostat
  • iotop
  • ionice **
  • Labs

Linux Filesystems and the VFS

  • Filesystem Basics
  • Filesystem Concepts
  • Virtual Filesystem (VFS)
  • Available Filesystems
  • Journalling Filesystems
  • Special Filesystems
  • Labs

Disk Partitioning

  • Common Disk Types
  • Disk Geometry
  • Partitioning
  • Partition Tables
  • Naming Disk Devices
  • SCSI Device Names
  • blkid and lsblk
  • Sizing up partitions
  • Backing Up and Restoring Partition Tables
  • Partition table editors
  • fdisk
  • Labs

Filesystem Features: Attributes, Creating, Checking, Mounting

  • Extended Attributes
  • Creating and formatting filesystems
  • Checking and Repairing Filesystems
  • Mounting filesystems
  • NFS
  • Mounting at Boot and /etc/fstab
  • automount
  • Labs

Filesystem Features: Swap, Quotas, Usage

  • Swap
  • Filesystem Quotas **
  • Filesystem Usage
  • Disk Usage
  • Labs

The Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 Filesystems

  • ext4 Features
  • ext4 Layout and Superblock and Block Groups
  • dumpe2fs
  • tune2fs
  • Labs

The XFS and BTRFS Filesystems **

  • XFS
  • btrfs
  • Labs

Encrypting Disks

  • Filesystem Encryption
  • LUKS
  • cryptsetup
  • Using an Encrypted Partition
  • Mounting at Boot
  • Labs

Logical Volume Management (LVM)

  • Logical Volume Management (LVM)
  • Volumes and Volume Groups
  • Working with Logical Volumes
  • Resizing Logical Volumes
  • LVM Snapshots **
  • Labs


  • RAID
  • RAID Levels
  • Software RAID Configuration
  • Monitoring RAIDs
  • RAID Hot Spares
  • Labs

Kernel Services and Configuration

  • Kernel Overview
  • Kernel Configuration
  • Kernel Boot Parameters
  • sysctl
  • Labs

Kernel Modules

  • Kernel Modules
  • Module Utilities
  • modinfo
  • Module Configuration
  • Labs

Devices and udev

  • udev and Device Management
  • Device Nodes
  • Rules
  • Labs

Virtualization Overview

  • Introduction to Virtualization
  • Hosts and Guests
  • Emulation
  • Hypervisors
  • libvirt
  • QEMU
  • KVM
  • Labs

Containers Overview

  • Containers
  • Application Virtualization
  • Containers vs Virtual Machines
  • Docker
  • Docker Commands
  • Podman
  • Labs

User Account Management

  • User Accounts
  • Management of User Accounts
  • Locked Accounts
  • Passwords
  • /etc/shadow
  • Password Management
  • Password Aging
  • Restricted Shells and Accounts **
  • The root Account
  • SSH
  • Labs

Group Management

  • Groups
  • Group Management
  • User Private Groups
  • Group Membership
  • Labs

File Permissions and Ownership

  • File Permissions and Ownership
  • File Access Rights
  • chmod, chown and chgrp
  • umask
  • Filesystem ACLs
  • Labs

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)

  • PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
  • Authentication Process
  • Configuring PAM
  • LDAP Authentication **

Network Addresses

  • IP Addresses
  • IPv4 Address Types
  • IPv6 Address Types
  • IP Address Classes
  • Netmasks
  • Hostnames
  • Labs

Network Devices and Configuration

  • Network Devices
  • ip
  • ifconfig
  • Predictable Network Interface Device Names
  • Network Configuration Files
  • Network Manager
  • Routing
  • DNS and Name Resolution
  • Network Diagnostics
  • Labs


  • Firewalls
  • Interfaces
  • firewalld
  • Zones
  • Source Management
  • Service and Port Management
  • Labs

System Startup and Shutdown

  • Understanding the Boot Sequence
  • Boot Loaders
  • System Configuration Files in /etc
  • Shutting Down and Rebooting
  • Labs


  • The Grand Unified Boot Loader (GRUB)
  • Interactive Selections with GRUB at Boot
  • Installing GRUB
  • Customizing the GRUB Configuration
  • Boot Loader Specification Configuration (BLSCFG)
  • Labs

System Init: systemd, SystemV and Upstart

  • The init Process
  • Startup Alternatives
  • systemd
  • systemctl
  • SysVinit Startup **
  • chkconfig and service **
  • Labs

Backup and Recovery Methods

  • Backup Basics
  • Backup vs Archive
  • Backup Methods and Strategies
  • tar
  • Compression: gzip, bzip2 and xz and Backups
  • dd
  • rsync
  • cpio **
  • dump and restore **
  • mt **
  • Backup Programs **
  • Labs

Linux Security Modules

  • Linux Security Modules
  • SELinux
  • AppArmor
  • Labs

Local System Security

  • Local System Security
  • Creating a Security Policy
  • Updates and Security
  • Physical Security
  • BIOS
  • Bootloader
  • Filesystem Security
  • setuid/setgid bits
  • Labs

Basic Troubleshooting

  • Troubleshooting Levels
  • Troubleshooting Techniques
  • Things to Check: Networking
  • Things to Check: File Integrity
  • Boot Process Failures
  • Filesystem Corruption and Recovery
  • Virtual Consoles
  • Labs

System Rescue

  • Rescue Media and Troubleshooting
  • Using Rescue/Recovery Media
  • System Rescue and Recovery
  • Emergency Boot Media
  • Using Rescue Media
  • Emergency Mode
  • Single User Mode
  • Labs

Closing and Evaluation Survey

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