ISC2 CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional


Seminar - Ziel

In dieser 5-tägigen Schulung für die CISSP Zertifizierung "ISC2 CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional" werden Sie tiefgreifend in acht Kerndomänen der Informationssicherheit eingeführt, um Sie umfassend auf die CISSP-Zertifizierungsprüfung vorzubereiten. Der Kurs ist so konzipiert, dass Sie ein solides Fundament in den Prinzipien der Informationssicherheit aufbauen, beginnend mit dem Verständnis für Sicherheits- und Risikomanagement, über die Aspekte der Computersicherheit bis hin zu Sicherheitsarchitektur und -engineering. Sie lernen die Bedeutung der Kommunikations- und Netzwerksicherheit kennen, tauchen in die Komplexitäten des Identitäts- und Zugriffsmanagements ein, erkunden die Methoden der Sicherheitsbewertung und des Testens, verstehen die Herausforderungen und Lösungen im Sicherheitsbetrieb und gewinnen Einblicke in die Sicherheit von Softwareentwicklungsprozessen.

Die Schulung zielt darauf ab, Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ihr Wissen in der Identifizierung von Bedrohungen, der Bewertung und Management von Risiken, der Entwicklung und Implementierung robuster Sicherheitsstrategien sowie der effektiven Anwendung von Sicherheitstechnologien und -praktiken zu vertiefen. Sie werden befähigt, Sicherheitsrichtlinien zu entwickeln, zu dokumentieren und durchzusetzen, Sicherheitsarchitekturen zu entwerfen, Sicherheitslücken zu erkennen und Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, sowie Sicherheitsaudits und Untersuchungen durchzuführen.

Teilnehmer - Zielgruppe

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Director of Security
  • IT Director/Manager
  • Security Systems Engineer
  • Security Analyst
  • Security Manager
  • Security Auditor
  • Security Architect
  • Security Consultant
  • Network Architect

Kurs - Voraussetzungen

Für eine optimale Teilnahme am Kurs für die CISSP Zertifizierung empfehlen wir folgende Vorkenntnisse:

  • Langjährige Berufserfahrung in der IT Sicherheit


  • 5 Tage
  • 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr


  • nach Absprache

Seminar-Inhalt / Agenda

Domain 1: Security and Risk Management

  • Understand, adhere to, and promote professional ethics
  • Understand and apply security concepts
  • Evaluate and apply security governance principles
  • Determine compliance and other requirements
  • Understand legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a holistic context
  • Understand requirements for investigation types (i.e., administrative, criminal, civil, regulatory, industry standards)
  • Develop, document, and implement security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelines
  • Identify, analyze, and prioritize Business Continuity (BC) requirements
  • Contribute to and enforce personnel security policies and procedures
  • Understand and apply risk management concepts
  • Understand and apply threat modeling concepts and methodologies
  • Apply Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) concepts
  • Establish and maintain a security awareness, education, and training program

Domain 2: Asset Security

  • Identify and classify information and assets
  • Establish information and asset handling requirements
  • Provision resources securely
  • Manage data lifecycle
  • Ensure appropriate asset retention (e.g., End-of-Life (EOL), End-of-Support (EOS))
  • Determine data security controls and compliance requirements

Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering

  • Research, implement and manage engineering processes using secure design principles
  • Understand the fundamental concepts of security models (e.g., Biba, Star Model, Bell-LaPadula)
  • Select controls based upon systems security requirements
  • Understand security capabilities of Information Systems (IS) (e.g., memory protection, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), encryption/decryption)
  • Assess and mitigate the vulnerabilities of security architectures, designs, and solution elements
  • Select and determine cryptographic solutions
  • Understand methods of cryptanalytic attacks
  • Apply security principles to site and facility design
  • Design site and facility security controls

Domain 4: Communication and Network Security

  • Assess and implement secure design principles in network architectures
  • Secure network components
  • Implement secure communication channels according to design

Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Control physical and logical access to assets
  • Manage identification and authentication of people, devices, and services
  • Federated identity with a third-party service
  • Implement and manage authorization mechanisms
  • Manage the identity and access provisioning lifecycle
  • Implement authentication systems

Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing

  • Design and validate assessment, test, and audit strategies
  • Conduct security control testing
  • Collect security process data (e.g., technical and administrative)
  • Analyze test output and generate report
  • Conduct or facilitate security audits

Domain 7: Security Operations

  • Understand and comply with investigations
  • Conduct logging and monitoring activities
  • Perform Configuration Management (CM) (e.g., provisioning, baselining, automation)
  • Apply foundational security operations concepts
  • Apply resource protection
  • Conduct incident management
  • Operate and maintain detective and preventative measures
  • Implement and support patch and vulnerability management
  • Understand and participate in change management processes
  • Implement recovery strategies
  • Implement Disaster Recovery (DR) processes
  • Test Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP)
  • Participate in Business Continuity (BC) planning and exercises
  • Implement and manage physical security
  • Address personnel safety and security concerns

Domain 8: Software Development Security

  • Understand and integrate security in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Identify and apply security controls in software development ecosystems
  • Assess the effectiveness of software security
  • Assess security impact of acquired software
  • Define and apply secure code

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